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Accession # Identifier Title Type Subject
1002Gilley - Wendell Holmes Gilley (1904-1983)
  • Reference
  • People
Wendell Gilley is a name well known among carvers and carving collectors. Author of The Art of Bird Carving: A Guide to a Fascinating Hobby, one of the earliest instructional books on the subject, Gilley was a pioneer in the field of decorative bird carving. By his estimate, he created “ten thousand birds of pine and paint” between 1931 and 1983. (Gilley also loved alliteration; it should be noted that most of his carvings were made of basswood.) [show more]
1003Wendell Holmes Gilley
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
Gilley smokes a pipe while carving an Osprey in his Southwest Harbor, Maine workshop
1004Wendell Holmes Gilley at Work on a Goose
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley painting a Canada Goose. Reverse side marked: "W SW '75"
1005Bragdon - Addie (Bragdon) Gilley (1905-1983)
  • Reference
  • People
Addie Gilley’s created an outstanding collection of her husband’s work. The carvings that Addie so wisely saved over the years became the core of the Museum’s permanent collection. Wendell and Addie were the guests of honor at the opening of the Gilley Museum on July 12, 1981. They remained active in the museum until their deaths a few months apart in 1983.
  • 81.1.171
  • Carving, Miniature
  • People
Miniature; carved figure of bearded man with blue plaid scarf, white shirt, brown coat and trousers, wearing sou'wester; carved and painted detail, attached to square bottom base. Marked "by W.H. Gilley" on underside.
  • 81.1.172
  • Carving, Miniature
  • People
Miniature; carved figure of bearded man with pipe, wearing hat, red patterned scarf, light blue shirt, dark blue trousers, high block boots; attached to rectangular wooden base. Marked "by W.H. Gilley" on underside.
1196Letter from James C. Collins to The Eider
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
  • Object, Other Object, Decoys
Letter to the editor of the Wendell Gilley Museum's publication, The Eider, from James C. Collins after learning of Wendell Gilley's death
1197Letter to Wendell Gilley Museum from Isabel Thacher
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Birds
  • People
This letter describes three birds (a bobwhite, a yellowlegs, and a gull) carved by Wendell Gilley and owned by the letter writer, Isabel Thacher.
1198Letter from Steven C. Rockefeller to Members of the Wendell Gilley Museum Nominating Committee
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
Letter concerning the proposed nomination of Arthur Rogers, Jr. for trustee of the museum by Jim Wallis
1199Letter to Mrs. Otis D. Wolfe from Steven C. Rockefeller
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Object, Art
  • People
Letter to the donor of a bronze sculpture by Walther Matia in memory of Foster Whitlock . The letter thanks her for her donation of the sculpture to the museum and describes the dedication ceremony.
1200Letter from Raymond L. Stearns to Nina Gormley
  • Document, Correspondence
  • People
Letter to the Museum Director about sending the museum copies of letters received from Wendell Gilley. Enclosed are two letters by Wendell Gilley to Mr. Stearns.
1202Letter to Raymond L. Stearns from Wendell Gilley
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
  • People
Written on museum letterhead, this letter describes the opening of the Wendell Gilley Museum and mentions Wendell Gilley's donation of his carvings to the museum
1211Letter to Wendell H. Gilley from Byron Cheever
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
  • Other, Literature
  • People
Cheever writes that he has received the materials for Gilley's book and that he read the new chapter on decoys and thought it was well done. He also talks about meeting carver Harold Haertel in Chicago at a meeting of decoy collectors.
1212Letter to Wendell H. Gilley from Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Carvings
  • People
Note from O'Brien included with a copy of a letter from Byron Cheever. O'Brien mentions having been asked by Peggy Rockefeller if Gilley would sell her a flock of geese.
1214Letter to Byron Cheever from Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Literature
  • People
  • Object, Woodworking, Woodworking Vise
This letter praises Wendell Gilley's inventiveness, his carving and his book . O'Brien refers to a vise for holding decoys and carvings for painting that Wendell includes in the book.
1215Letter to Wendell H. Gilley from Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Object, Woodworking, Woodworking Vise
  • People
This letter thanks Gilley for sending a vise. O'Brien also encloses correspondence with Byron Cheever about publishing Gilley's book.
1222Wendell H. Gilley with Osprey - 1972
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
Wendell Gilley holding carved osprey in a snow covered yard, Southeast Harbor, Maine
1223Wendell H. Gilley in his workshop - Oct. 1971
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
Wendell Gilley at work on a carving in his workshop.
1224Wendell H. Gilley in his Workshop
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
Wendell Gilley working on a carving, cormorants and herons on the wall behind him
1225Wendell H. Gilley Carving Eagle
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Wendell Gilley at workbench carving eagle with raised wings
1226Wendell H. Gilley with Eagle, November 1970
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Birds
  • Carvings
Wendell Gilley standing next to unfinished half life size carved eagle
1227Wendell H. Gilley Holding Eagle Carving and Miniature Mallard, Summer 1971
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley standing in front of garage holding two carvings, an eagle and his first carving, a mallard made in 1930. On back of photo: "Wendell, Gilley, summer 1971, taken by Diane L. Kelly, his 1st & present bird in progress."
1228Wendell H. Gilley, September 1974
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley next to a shelf holding carving of Canada geese
1229Wendell H. Gilley Carving a Grouse
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley in his workshop carving, tools hanging on wall next to him
1230Wendell H. Gilley Holding Owl Carving
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Carvings
  • Birds
Wendell Gilley outdoors holding small carving of an owl perched on a driftwood branch